For students

Office of Student Services Südstadt Campus
Südstadt Campus

Claudiusstr. 1, 50678 Köln
Rooms F1.41 and F1.41a

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5840

For international students and applicants

Department of International Affairs
Südstadt Campus

Claudiusstr. 1, 50678 Köln
Room A1.55

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3772

Integrated Design (Bachelor's program) - How to Apply

Are you planning to apply to TH Köln's Bachelor's program in Integrated Design? Continue reading to find out all you need to know about the applications process.

At a Glance

Category Description
Program Integrated Design 
Degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 
Type of program Full-time program  
Beginning of program Winter semester 
Program duration 6 semesters 
Credits 180 ECTS credits 
Language of instruction German, English 
Campus Südstadt Campus 
Restricted admission No 
Additional requirements Program-related aptitude test 

Admission Requirements

Secondary school diploma

"Fachhochschulreife" (academic and practical part) or "Abitur" or an equivalent (international) degree

In some cases persons who do not hold one of the degrees mentioned above can apply as vocationally qualified individuals. Information on this type of application is currently only available in German:

Applictions without a secondary school diploma

Applicants with degrees obtained outside of Germany need to consider the information on admission requirements and German language skills.


Type and duration
Prior to enrollment, applicants must have completed an internship of at least six months duration in the field of design. 

Additional Requirements for Enrollment

Aptitude Test
To demonstrate their aptitude for the program, applicants are required to participate in an aptitude test which is organized by the applications committee of Köln International School of Design. The test consists of the following components:
- a term paper (based on the evaluation of this paper the committee will select the most promising applicants)
- an exam (solving a problem under exam conditions)
- an oral exam (presentation of the written exam and expert discussion/interview)

The term paper is program-related task which can be realized visually, verbally, as a two- or three-dimensional project or using modern media. As a second step of the selection process, students are given another program-related task to be solved in under exam conditions. Depending on the task, the duration of the exam is between two and four hours. The result of the exam can be submitted as a two- or three dimensional object or in written form. In the following oral exam, applicants are to present their results. The applications committee uses the following criteria to evaluate the applicants' work:

- Ability to capture and present complex design issues
- Ability and motiviation for creative work
- General aptitude for the program 

Please note
Successfull aptitude tests can be used for applications in the application period during which the test was taken as well as the next subsequent application period.


a) Application process for
- German applicants
- Applicants with a German Higher Education Entrance Qualification (HEEQ)
- Applicants with a German first-cycle degree (Bachelor) as well as
- Vocationally qualified individuals

Aptitude test at Köln International School of Design (KISD)

Applications for the aptitude test are to be submitted through TH Köln's campus management system (CaMS). Applicants are to submit their application including an assignment through this platform. The topic of the assignment and further information on the applications process is availble on the KISD website.

Announcement of the topic for the application assignment: April 1, 2025
Application period: April 28 to May 2, 2025
TH Köln's campus management system (CaMS)
b) Application process for
- Applicants not mentioned in a)
1. Application through uni assist:

Application are to be submitted through uni-assist.

Please note the information on the applications process through uni-assist.


Application deadline: May 31, 2025
Please note: You may submit your application to uni-assist either before (starting now) or after you have received the result of the aptitude test.

2. Aptitude test at Köln International School of Design (KISD)

Applications for the aptitude test are to be submitted through TH Köln's campus management system (CaMS). Applicants are to submit their application including an assignment through this platform. The topic of the assignment and further information on the applications process is availble on the KISD website.
Announcement of the topic for the application assignment: April 1, 2025
Application period: April 28 to May 3, 2025
TH Köln's campus management system (CaMS)

For students

Office of Student Services Südstadt Campus
Südstadt Campus

Claudiusstr. 1, 50678 Köln
Rooms F1.41 and F1.41a

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5840

For international students and applicants

Department of International Affairs
Südstadt Campus

Claudiusstr. 1, 50678 Köln
Room A1.55

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3772