Digital Games (Bachelor's program)

Studierende am Cologne Game Lab (Image: Florian Yeh/TH Köln)

Students of the Bachelor's program in Digital Games can choose from three specializations: Game Design, Game Arts and Game Informatics. Besides gaining technical knowledge, students also have the opportunity to develop their personal skills. Our graduates are well equipped to meet the current demands if the gaming industry.

Please follow the link below for further information on the Bachelor's program in Digital Games:
Digital Games (Bachelor's program)

At a Glance

Category Description
Program Digital Games 
Degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 
Type of program Full-time program 
Beginning of program Winter semester 
Program duration 7 semesters 
Language of instruction English 
Campus Mülheim Site 
Specializations Game Design, Game Arts, Game Informatics 
Restricted admission No 
Additional requirements Program-related aptitude test 
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