Get in Contact

We are present on the following platforms.
Feels free to reach out.

Academic Advisor and Program Director

Prof. Dr. Matthias Böhmer
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Science

For International Applicants and Students

Department of International Affairs
Claudiusstr. 1, 50678 Köln
Room A1.42

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3772

Code & Context (Bachelor's program)

Teaserbild Code & Context (Image: TH Köln)

Codes and algorithms are the material used to build our future with all its social, cultural and economic contexts. The Bachelor's program in Code & Context builds a bridge between coding, design and entrepreneurship, thus preparing students for the social, technical and economic challenges of our digitized world. 

Further information on the Bachelor‘s program in Code & Context is available in German: Code & Context (Bachelor)

At a Glance

Category Description
Program Code & Context 
Degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) 
Type of program Full-time program 
Beginning of program Winter semester 
Program duration 6 semesters or
7 semesters with internship 
Credits 180 ECTS credits or
210 ECTS credits with internship 
Language of instruction German and English 
Campus Mülheim Site 
Restricted admission No  
Additional requirements Program-related aptitude test 

Get in Contact

We are present on the following platforms.
Feels free to reach out.

Academic Advisor and Program Director

Prof. Dr. Matthias Böhmer
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Science

For International Applicants and Students

Department of International Affairs
Claudiusstr. 1, 50678 Köln
Room A1.42

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3772