Business Administration and Engineering (Bachelor's program, full-time or part-time)

Arbeiten im Kunststofflabor (Image: Thilo Schmülgen/FH Köln)

Being experts in both fields, engineering managers act as a link between the engineers and management staff of a company. In the second half of the program students can specialize in either mechanical or electrical engineering. Gummersbach Campus maintains close relationships with industry representatives, thus providing students ample opportunity to meet potential future employers.

Further information on the Bachelor‘s program in Business Administration and Engineering is available in German: Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Bachelor).

At a Glance

Category Description
Program Business Administration and Engineering 
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) 
Type of program Full-time program or part-time program 
Beginning of program Summer semester or winter semester 
Program duration Full-time program:
6 semesters
7 semesters (with internship semester)

Part-time program:
9 semesters
10 semesters (with internship semester) 
Credits 180 ECTS credits
210 ECTS credits (with internship semester) 
Language of instruction German 
Campus Gummersbach Campus 
Restricted admission No 
Please note This Bachelor’s program bears the title Engineering during the first year of the program.

At the end of the first year, students can opt for either one of the following three programs: General Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Business Administration and Engineering.

Part-time program:
Please note that students enrolled in part-time programs are not eligible for BAföG.