Neuberufen 2015: Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Guardiola

Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften, Lehr-/Forschungsgebiet: Game Design
Studium der Computer Science am Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris, Frankreich
Promotion "Game Design Methodology for Generating a Psychological Profile of Players", Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris, Frankreich
Berufliche Stationen (u. a.)
- Forschungsarbeit zu Methoden zur Entwicklung psychologische Profile von Spielern während des Spielens
- Dozent für Game Design an der École nationale du jeu et des médias (ENJMIN), Angoulême, Frankreich
- Game Designer, Editorial Game Script Director und später Kreativdirektor bei Ubisoft, Paris, Frankreich und weltweite Studios
- Geschäftsführer der Agentur Seaside, Paris/Lyon, Frankreich
- SACD Interactive Artist of the Year 2012, Game for Change Europe Award 2011, eVirtuose R&D Award 2011
When I was a child I used to live on islands. First in the Pacific, in Tahiti, then in the North Atlantic, near Canada, in Saint Pierre & Miquelon. My parents were teachers and mainly worked out of France.
The psychology of gamers fascinates me, because game design is about playing with the psychology of the player. I really like the idea that game design can explicit models that we can apply to other fields. For instance, I research what the way we play reveals about our personality. This can, for instance, be applied to mental illness diagnostics.
I like working at a university, because even though I greatly enjoy teaching game design, my main passion is research. Getting the outcome from an experiment, discovering something new or innovative – this all triggers powerful emotions. And the game field is currently still full of unknowns.
I’ve chosen the Cologne Game Lab because it is currently one of the most exciting academic game institutions being developed in Europe. Its directors are ambitious and have interesting ideas, such as new degree courses, new European partnerships, new research programs. Honestly, it’s the place to be if you what to contribute to game research.
The main message I try to communicate to students is about purpose. We are in an area of maturity for game creation. Now, for a designer, the first question has to be: What do you want to convey? The link between intention and specific means proposed by game is the core of my teaching.
My favorite stereotype about Germans or Germany: The engineer obsessed with optimizing things, without taking the human factor into account.
When I'm not sitting at my desk: I mainly do more sitting, but in a train. Otherwise: Playing board or video games, creating something with my children.
The last good book I read – this old-fashion medium?! I just discovered Marguerite Yourcenar’s Memoirs of Hadrian. I’m stunned by its depth and density. I think I will read it multiple times over the course of my life.
Januar 2016