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Teilnahmebedingungen der Kompetenzwerkstatt

Networking – Vitamin N for Doctoral Researchers

Online-Workshop for Doctoral Researchers TH Köln, 29. April 2025

Networking is a crucial factor for success in your doctorate and career. Through exercises, group work and short inputs, this workshop will cover important aspects of networking, e.g. why networking is important, how to identify relevant contacts, how to successfully build networks and use them for yourself - even if you don't feel like a natural networker.

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(914S25) Networking – Vitamin N for Doctoral Researchers

Online-Workshop for Doctoral Researchers TH Köln


  • 29. April 2025
  • 09.00 Uhr bis 12.30 Uhr
  • in meinen Kalender übertragen


The workshop will take place online.


Dr. Valerie Wolf Unsere Dozent*innen


The online registration is open from February 01, 2025, 10:00 am, till April 22, 2025, 10:00 am. Anmeldung mit campusID Anmeldung als extern Interessierte Teilnahmebedingungen


Graduate Center and Writing Center

Important Notice

Please log in with the e-mail address assigned to you by your university (not with your private e-mail address)!


You can cancel your registration using this form. Cancellations are possible up to one week before the start of the seminar. Abmeldung von Seminaren der Kompetenzwerkstatt

Learning Outcomes:

The following questions will be addressed:

  • Networking - what is it and why do I need it?
  • What helps me achieve my current goals?
  • What are relevant contacts for me?
  • How do I go about it and how can I practise?
  • How do I use social media sensibly?
  • Small talk & co is not my thing. How can I still network successfully?

This workshop specifically supports doctoral candidates to understand and apply the art of networking in an academic context. It offers practical strategies and inspirations on how to network effectively and benefit from it.

In addition, there are many tips and tricks for networking at academic conferences, lectures and training courses and other typical settings. Recommendations for the effective use of online tools and social media as well as practical exercises and tasks complete the workshop.

Evaluation note: In this workshop an evaluation will take place.

Anmeldung und Organisation


  • Telefon+49 221-8275-5139

Teilnahmebedingungen der Kompetenzwerkstatt