ARUM – Adaptive Production Management
The production and ramp-up of complex and highly customized products are exceptio- nally challenging for planning and control, especially in small lot sizes. Daily challenges like late requests for change, immature high technology products and processes create significant risks.
The occurring risks are bigger than in the production of big series such
as automotive. Thus, new ICT-based approaches are required. The aim is to develop miti-
gation strategies to respond faster to unexpected events. Therefore the knowledge base
has to be enriched for real-time decision support, to detect early warning and to acce-
lerate learning. Our approach is based on a new generation of service-orientated enter-
prise information platforms, a service-orientated bus integrating service-based architecture and knowledge-based multi-agent systems (MAS). A holonic MAS combined with a
service architecture will improve performance and scalability beyond the state of the art.
The solution integrates multiple layers of sensors, legacy systems and agent-based tools
for beneficial services like learning, quality, risk and cost management. Additionally the
ecological footprints will be reduced. The ARUM solution will run in two modes: predic-
tive and real-time simulation. The predictive mode supports the planning phase whereas
the real-time operations mode supports dynamic, time-, cost- and risk-oriented re-plan-
ning of operations. The provision of information for engineering to alter in case of imma-
turity or late requests for changes is supported equally. ARUM is strongly end-user driven
and the results will be tested on three industrial use cases with a focus on aircraft, aircraft
interiors and ship manufacturing. The solution will be validated in a real industrial envi-
ronment by industrial partners and benchmarked against today’s ICT solutions. In colla-
boration with universities a test-bed will be established for design and testing of ARUM
systems and tools and will be opened for dissemination and demonstration.
Auf einen Blick
Kategorie | Beschreibung |
Forschungsprojekt | ARUM – Adaptive Production Management |
Leitung | Prof. Dr. Rolf Franken |
Fakultät | Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften |
Institut | Schmalenbach Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften |
Beteiligte | Udo Inden, Olivia Macolic |
Projektpartner | EADS Deutschland GMBH, Germany; Airbus Operations’ GmbH, Germany; CertiCon a.s., Czech Republic; Iacobucci HF, Italy; Modular Galley Systems GmbH, Ger- many; TIE Netherlands B.V., Netherlands; SEC Smart Solutions, Russia; ALMENDE B.V., Ne- therlands; Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany; P3 Ingenieurs SAS, France; The University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Instituto Politécnico de Bragana, Portugal; Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece; Ceske Vysoke Ugeni Technic- ke v Praze, Czech Republic; Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany |
Fördermittelgeber | 7th RTD Framework Programme of the European Community: Information and Communication Technologies |