Climate friendly waste management in the Russian Federation
The intention of the course “Climate friendly waste management in the Russian Federation” is to convey the principles of circular economics to engineering students and to support the qualification of staff and specialists in waste management and in the respective executive authorities.
The course reflects the job-related standards according to the state-of-the art in international waste management. With respect to the foreseen successful educational outcome of this seminar, it requires a high quality of the teaching process based on new scientific findings taking into account the different background of the students.
Auf einen Blick
Kategorie | Beschreibung |
Forschungsprojekt | Climate friendly waste management in the Russian Federation |
Leitung | Prof. Kathrin Hesse |
Fakultät | Fakultät für Fahrzeugsysteme und Produktion |
Institut | Institut für Produktion |
Beteiligte | Prof. Frank Rögener (TH Köln, Institut für Anlagen- und Verfahrenstechnik), Matthias Wissing (TH Köln, IFP) |
Fördermittelgeber | GIZ Eschborn/GIZ Moskau |
Laufzeit | 01.12.2019 - 31.10.2020 |