Competence Platform “Migration, Intercultural Education and Organizational Development”
Operating throughout the university, the competence platform has established itself as a highly proficient and efficiently working competence center for the cross-sectoral issues of interculturality, migration and internationality at the TH Köln. In this function and as an inter-university network, the platform pools expertise on the above-mentioned issues, stimulates professional exchange and cooperation between different actors and institutions within the university, and organizes exchange and transfer processes between different disciplines and fields of action (research, teaching, further education and organizational development) and/or between science and application-oriented practice.
The competence platform is affiliate to the Institute for Intercultural Education and Development (Interkult) at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences. It is directed by Prof. Dr. Matthias Otten (as the spokesperson) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Markus Ottersbach and Prof. Dr. Schahrzad Farrokhzad.