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Zur detaillierten Ergebnisliste in der Digitalen Hochschulbibliografie
- Shevchuk, Igor V (2025): Heat and Mass Transfer in Conical Gaps with Disks Rotating: An Asymptotic Analytical Solution for high Prandtl and Schmidt Numbers. In: Physics of Fluids : A Publication of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). Vol. 37.
- Permin, Eike (2025): Digitalisierung der Produktion : Bausteine – Lösungen – Umsetzungen. München: Hanser.
- Avramenko, Andriy A.; Shevchuk, Igor V; Kovetskaya, Margarita M.; Kovetska, Yulia Y.; Tyrinov, Andrii I. (2024): Nonlinear Approach to Jouguet Detonation in Perpendicular Magnetic Fields. In: Fluids. Vol. 9.
- John, Anagha Susan; Basavarajappa, Mahanthesh; Shevchuk, Igor V (2024): Study of Nanofluid Flow in a Stationary Cone-Disk System with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity. In: Physics of Fluids : A Publication of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). Vol. 36.
- Maranna, Thippaiah; Sachin, Gadhigeppa Myacher; Mahabaleshwar, Ulavathi Shettar; Pérez, Laura M.; Shevchuk, Igor V (2024): Impact of Navier’s Slip and MHD on a Hybrid Nanofluid Flow over a Porous Stretching/Shrinking Sheet with Heat Transfer. In: Fluids. Vol. 9.
- Baum, Markus; Anders, Denis; Reinicke, Tamara (2024): Enhancing Injection Molding Simulation Accuracy: A Comparative Evaluation of Rheological Model Performance. In: Applied Sciences : Open Access Journal. Vol. 14.
- Treude, Benjamin; Anders, Denis; Weinberg, Kerstin (2024): Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Manufacturing Process of Pre-Bulged Rupture Discs. In: Applied Sciences : Open Access Journal. Vol. 14.
- Bogdahn, Sebastian; Koch, Erwin; Katrakova-Krüger, Danka; Kapf, Andreas (2024): Application of Recovered Carbon Black (rCB) from End-of-Life (EoL) Tire Pyrolysis in Butyl Rubber Compounds. In: Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe : KGK : Internationale Fachzeitschrift für polymere Werkstoffe : International Technical Journal of Polymer Materials, KGK. Vol. 77 (2024), S. 58 - 65.
- Münster, Thomas; Mita, Julia (2024): Zero Pellet Loss trifft auf QM. In: QZ - Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit, Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit QZ. Vol. 69, S. 22 - 26.
- Weichert, Sabine; Schulz, Ines; Steffen, Robert; Katrakova-Krüger, Danka (2024): Preparation of Very Thin Wires and Foils, Präparation von sehr dünnen Drähten und Folien. In: Practical Metallography : Preparation, Imaging and Analysis of Microstructures. Vol. 61, S. 904 - 917.
- Schulz, Ines; Katrakova-Krüger, Danka; Weichert, Sabine; Aydin, Matthias (2024): Impact of the Manufacturing Process on the Quality of Welds in Twin Wire Mesh Fencing, Einfluss des Herstellungsverfahrens auf die Qualität der Schweißnähte von Doppelstabmatten. In: Practical Metallography : Preparation, Imaging and Analysis of Microstructures. Vol. 61, S. 947 - 966.
- Pyschny, Nicolas (2024): Bauteile in geringer Stückzahl und hoher Qualität feinbearbeiten. In: JOT, Journal für Oberflächentechnik. Vol. 65, S. 36 - 37.
- Budach, Christoph; Lipka, Katrin; Erdmann, Peter; Katrakova-Krüger, Danka (2024): Ergebnisse von aktuellen Forschungsvorhaben zur Bestimmung der Abrasivität von Lockergesteinen. In: 14. Kolloquium Bauen in Boden und Fels : Die Fachtagung über aktuelle Herausforderungen der Geotechnik : Tagungshandbuch 2024. Kolloquium Bauen in Boden und Fels; Ostfildern, Deutschland; 30.01.-31.01.2024., S. 125 - 132.
- Avramenko, Andriy Alexandr; Kovetska, Yu.Yu.; Shevchuk, Igor V; Kovetska, S.M. (2024): Renormalization Group Model of Turbulent Bioconvection of Gyrotactic Microorganisms. In: Waves in Random and Complex Media : Propagation, Scattering and Imaging., S. 1 - 19.
- Stricker, Michael; Jasser, Fabian; Lake, Simone (2024): Optimization of Heat Transfer in Injection Molds and its Impact on Process Efficiency and Part Quality. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Plastics Technology. The 2nd International Symposium on Plastics Technology; Aachen, Germany; 05.09-06.09.2022.
- Avramenko, Andriy A.; Shevchuk, Igor V; Kovetskaya, Margarita M.; Kovetska, Yulia Y.; Kobzar, Andrii S. (2024): Application of Discrete Symmetry to Natural Convection in Vertical Porous Microchannels. In: Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics : JNETDY. Vol. 49, S. 391 - 404.
- Permin, Eike; Castillo Velasquez, Lina Rocio; Weber, Dillon; Alam, Sayyam; Moisel, Christoph (2024): Perspectives, Application Gaps, and Involvement of Citizen Developers in Digital Factory Management. In: Learning Factories of the Future : Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Learning Factories 2024, Volume 1. CLF 2024: 14th International Conference on Learning Factories; Twente, Netherlands; 17.04-10.04.2024., S. 11 - 19.
- Katrakova-Krüger, Danka; Öchsner, Simon; Ferreira, Ester Simoes B (2024): Material Characterization of Silicones for Additive Manufacturing. In: Polymers. Vol. 16.
- Nihaal, Kandavkovi Mallikarjuna; Mahabaleshwar, Ulavathi Shettar; Swaminathan, Nedunchezhian; Laroze, David; Shevchuk, Igor V (2024): A Numerical Investigation of Activation Energy Impact on MHD Water-Based Fe₃O₄ and CoFe₂O₄ Flow between the Rotating Cone and Expanding Disc. In: Mathematics: open access journal. Vol. 12.
- Anders, Denis (2024): Datengetriebene Methoden für die Optimierung industrieller und verfahrenstechnischer Anwendungen, Data-Driven Methods for the Optimization of Industrial and Process Engineering Applications. In: 13. SAXSIM - SAXON SIMULATION MEETING; Chemnitz; 19.03.2024.
- Treude, Benjamin (2024): Numerische Simulation und Analyse des Fertigungsprozesses von vorgewölbten Berstscheiben, Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Manufacturing Process of Pre-Domed Rupture Discs. In: 13. SAXSIM - SAXON SIMULATION MEETING; Chemnitz; 19.03.2024.
- Hartl, Christoph; Katrakova-Krüger, Danka; Ho, Hodaiah (2024): Modelling and Bending Analysis of a 3D-Printed Sandwich Structure with an Auxetic Star-4 Core. In: Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2024). 21st International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2024); Glasgow, Großbritannien; 28.08.-30.08.2024.
- Permin, Eike; Castillo Velasquez, Lina Rocio (2024): Creating Data-Driven Products and Services in Industry 4.0: A Case Study on Companies in the German Machine and Tool Industry. In: Discover Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 3.
- Schumacher, Tobias; Bay, Till Ole; Stricker, Michael; Lake, Simone (2024): Spritzgießen mit 3D-gedruckten Formeinsätzen – Potenziale ausschöpfen : Lösungsansätze zur Überwindung technologischer Markteintrittsbarrieren. In: Kunststoffe : Werkstoffe, Verarbeitung, Anwendung., S. 32 - 35.
- Schmitt, Sebastian; Malek, Christian; Haag, Christoph (2024): Success Factors for Circular Ecosystem Innovation: A Case Study Investigation. In: ISPIM Connects Porto Alegre – Social Innovation and Impact in the Global South. ISPIM Connects Porto Alegre ; Porto Alegre, Brazil ; 08.04.-10.04.2024.
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