Institute of Information Management (IIM)

Project lead

Prof. Dr. Klaus Lepsky

Institut für Informationswissenschaft (IWS)

Search and Indexing for

Logo des Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (Image: DLR)

In the project Search and Indexing, a new indexing concept for the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is developed.

DLR's main website contains a collection of approximately 12,000 image and text documents. To date, there has been no consistent indexing of the heterogeneous document and image inventory. Articles are tagged freely, and pictures are provided with a short description. For the use of the documents and pictures in the future improved search and finding possibilities are needed, in order to be able to access fast, relevant contents. The heterogeneity of the document types (images and text documents) and the previous free indexing practice require the development of a new indexing model. The planned hybrid model will contain an intellectual indexing component (rough classification and thesaurus), which will be complemented by automatic processes as an integral part of the model. The documentation system Midos 6 is used for the administration of the document collection, Midos-Thesaurus as creation and maintenance tool of the standardized vocabulary and the open-source software Lingo for the automatic indexing.

At a Glance

Category Description
Research project Search and Indexing for 
Management Prof. Dr. Klaus Lepsky  Staff page
Faculty Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences  More
Institute Institute of Information Management
Institute of Information Science 
Persons involved Juliane Bredack  Staff page
Partners German Aerospace Center (DLR) 

Institute of Information Management (IIM)

Project lead

Prof. Dr. Klaus Lepsky

Institut für Informationswissenschaft (IWS)