Prof. Dr. Ralph Krüger

Prof. Dr. Ralph Krüger

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3959

DataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy

Hier sehen Sie das Keyvisual des DataLitMT-Projekts. (Image: TH Köln)

The DataLitMT project based at the Institute of Translation and Multilingual Communication (ITMK) at TH Köln, Germany, provides didactic resources for teaching data literacy in its machine-translation specific form of professional MT literacy to students of translation studies/specialised communication programmes at BA and MA levels.

The DataLitMT project based at the Institute of Translation and Multilingual Communication (ITMK) at TH Köln, Germany, provides didactic resources for teaching data literacy in its machine-translation specific form of professional MT literacy to students of translation studies/specialised communication programmes at BA and MA levels. The aim is for students working with these resources to develop adequate data and MT literacy for their later professional careers while at the same time becoming data-savvy citizens well equipped for the modern knowledge economy.

At a Glance

Category Description
Research project DataLitMT – Teaching Data Literacy in the Context of Machine Translation Literacy 
Management Project Lead  Prof. Dr. Ralph Krüger
Persons involved Andre Busch, Hans-Jürgen Esch, Janiça Hackenbuchner 
Sponsors Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft NRW (Förderlinie Curriculum 4.0) 
Duration June 2021 til February 2023 
Prof. Dr. Ralph Krüger

Prof. Dr. Ralph Krüger

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3959