Hier finden Sie ausgewählte Publikationen der Professoren des Instituts für Anlagen und Verfahrenstechnik.
- Theodorakopoulos, George V.; Karousos, Dionysios S.; Benra, Jan; Forero, Stefan; Hammerstein, Ruben; Sapalidis, Andreas A.; Katsaros, Fotios K.; Schubert, Tim; Favvas, Evangelos P. (2024): Well-Established Carbon Nanomaterials : Modification, Characterization and Dispersion in Different Solvents. In: Journal of Materials Science : JMS. Vol. 2024, S. 3339 - 3362.
- Rögener, Frank; Manderscheid, Christoph (2024): Electrodialysis and Electrodialysis Reversal for the Concentration of Li Containing Solutions. In: Port-Said Engineering Research Journal. Vol. 28, S. 1 - 8.
- Rögener, Frank (2024): Membranautopsie-Fallstudie: Schwachstellen von Membrananlagen identifizieren. In: Filtrieren und separieren : F & S. Vol. 38, S. 46 - 53.
- Rögener, Frank (2024): Increasing the Sustainability of Pharmaceutical Grade Water Production. In: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik : Verfahrenstechnik, technische Chemie, Apparatewesen, Biotechnologie.
- Hesse, Kathrin; Rögener, Frank; Kürten, Matthias (2024): Bio-Waste – Collection, Separation, Generated Products for Second Use. In: International Scientific-Practical Conference “Agriculture and Food Security: Technology, Innovation, Markets, Human Resources” (FIES 2023). International Scientific-Practical Conference “Agriculture and Food Security: Technology, Innovation, Markets, Human Resources (FIES2023); Kazan, Russia; 23.11.-24.11.2023.
- Greisner, Bastian; Mauer, Dieter; Rögener, Frank; Lerch, André (2023): Predicting Water Flux in Forward Osmosis with Unknown Feed Solution Composition : An Empirical Approach Based on Thermodynamical Properties. In: Membranes. Vol. 13.
- Pavel, Ilushin; Vyatkin, Kirill; Kozlov, Anton; Rögener, Frank (2023): Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Propagation in a Pipeline Emergency. In: VI International Conference on Actual Problems of the Energy Complex and Environmental Protection (APEC-VI-2023). VI International Conference on Actual Problems of the Energy Complex and Environmental Protection (APEC-VI-2023); Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia; 14.06.-16.06.2023.
- Belik, Ekaterina S.; Vyatkin, Kirill A.; Rudakova, Larisa V.; Ilyushin, Pavel Yu.; Kozlov, Anton V.; Kalinina, Elena V.; Rögener, Frank (2023): Reduction of Risks when Transporting Carbon Dioxide to the Injection Site. In: Petroleum and Coal. Vol. 65, S. 1112 - 1117.
- Hammerstein, Ruben; Schubert, Tim; Braun, Gerhard; Wolf, Tobias; Barbe, Stéphan; Quade, Antje; Foest, Rüdiger; Karousos, Dionysios S.; Favvas, Evangelos P. (2022): The Optimization of Dispersion and Application Techniques for Nanocarbon-Doped Mixed Matrix Gas Separation Membranes. In: Membranes. Vol. 12.
- Ilyushi, Pavel Y.; Syuzev, Andrei V.; Vyatkin, Kirill A.; Ravelev, Kirill A.; Sannikova, N.S.; Rudakova, Larisa V.; Belik, E.S.; Rögener, Frank (2022): Efficiency of Replacing Technical Water with Produced Water on the Results of Laboratory Studies and Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Waterflooding Process at a Field in the Perm Region. In: Neftyanoe Khozyaystvo - Oil Industry. Vol. 2022, S. 92 - 96.
- Ilyuchin, P.Yu.; Rudakova, L.V.; Kalinina, E.V.; Syuzev, A.V.; Vyatkin, K.A.; Belik, E.S.; Rögener, Frank (2022): Reducing the Negative Impact of Oil Fields on Hydrosphere Objects when Using Reservoir Water to Maintain Reservoir Pressure, СНИЖЕНИЕ НЕГАТИВНОГОВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯНЕФТЯНЫХ МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЙНАОБЪЕКТЫГИДРОСФЕРЫ ПРИИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИИПОДТОВАРНОЙВОДЫ ДЛЯПОДДЕРЖАНИЯПЛАСТОВОГОДАВЛЕНИЯ. In: Ecology and Industry of Russia, Ėkologija i promyšlennost' Rossii : ĖKiP = Ecology & industry of Russia. Vol. 26, S. 56 - 61.
- Rögener, Frank; Tetampel, Lena (2022): Electrodialysis for the Concentration of Lithium-Containing Brines - An Investigation on the Applicability. In: Membranes. Vol. 12.
- Rögener, Frank; Theus, Sven; Chusov, Alexander; Lednova, Julia (2021): How Membrane Bioreactor Technology Can Help to Solve Both, German and Russian Wastewater Problems. In: Ribbe, Lars; Haarstrick, Andreas; Babel, Mukand; Dehnavi, Sudeh; Biesalski, H. K. (Hrsg.): Towards Water Secure Societies : Coping with Water Scarcity and Quality Challenges. Cham: Springer, S. 89 - 100.
- Rögener, Frank (2021): Upcoming Challenges of Water Reclamation from Unconventional Sources. In: Ribbe, Lars; Haarstrick, Andreas; Babel, Mukand; Dehnavi, Sudeh; Biesalski, H. K. (Hrsg.): Towards Water Secure Societies : Coping with Water Scarcity and Quality Challenges. Cham: Springer, S. 79 - 87.
- Rögener, Frank (2021): Filtration Technology for Beer and Beer Yeast Treatment. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 941.
- Kleffner, Christine; Braun, Gerd; Antonyuk, Sergiy (2021): High-Pressure Reverse Osmosis for Industrial Water Recycling : Permeate-Sided Pressure Drop as Performance-Limiting Factor. In: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik : Verfahrenstechnik, technische Chemie, Apparatewesen, Biotechnologie. Vol. 93, S. 1352 - 1358.
- Nellessen, Cornelius; Klein, Thomas; Rapp, Hans-Jürgen; Rögener, Frank (2021): Klimaschonung durch Membrananwendung – Membrandestillation zur Erzeugung von pharmazeutischem Reinstwasser, Climate Protection by Membrane Application – Membrane Distillation for the Production of Pharmaceutical Ultrapure Water. In: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik : Verfahrenstechnik, technische Chemie, Apparatewesen, Biotechnologie. Vol. 93, S. 1345 - 1351.
- Esser, Tobias; Wolf, Tobias; Schubert, Tim; Benra, Jan; Forero, Stefan; Maistros, George; Barbe, Stéphan; Theodorakopoulos, George V.; Karousos, Dionysios S.; Sapalidis, Andreas A.; Favvas, Evangelos P. (2021): CO₂/CH₄ and He/N₂ Separation Properties and Water Permeability Valuation of Mixed Matrix MWCNTs-Based Cellulose Acetate Flat Sheet Membranes : A Study of the Optimization of the Filler Material Dispersion Method. In: Nanomaterials. Vol. 11, S. 1 - 21.
- Schöttke, Niklas; Rögener, Frank (2021): Cold Mashing - Analysis and Optimization of Extraction Processes at Low Temperatures in the Brewing Process. In: International Conference on Efficient Production and Processing (ICEPP-2021). International Conference on Efficient Production and Processing (ICEPP-2021); Online; 25.02.-26.02.2021.
- Nellessen, Cornelius; Klein, Thomas; Rapp, Hans-Jürgen; Rögener, Frank (2021): Membrane Distillation for the Production of Pharmaceutical-Grade Water : Investigation into the Application of AGMD and VMD. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 18.
- Träger, Ulrich; Klein, Thomas; Nellessen, Cornelius; Rögener, Frank (2021): Membranverfahren zur Erzeugung von Reinstwasser für Industrie und Pharmazie. In: Filtrieren und separieren : F & S. Vol. 35, S. 4 - 7.
- Andrianova, Maria Ju.; Rögener, Frank (2020): New Technologies in Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems : Part 1: Textbook, Новые технологии в водоснабжении и водоотведении : Часть 1: Учебное пособие. St. Petersburg: Polytech-Press.
- Rögener, Frank; Lednova, Yulia A.; Andrianova, Maria Yu.; Lednov, A.V. (2019): Sustainable Stainless Steel – A Review on Acid Regeneration Systems for Application in Continuous Pickling Lines. In: Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University. Vol. 17, S. 38 - 48.
- Bursche, Jamile; Krämer, Johannes; Rögener, Frank; Rieker, Christiane (2018): Effects of Using Green Waste compost as a Biological pre-treatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Produce Bioenergy. In: 2018 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC). 2018 7th International Energy and Sustainability Conference (IESC); Cologne, Germany; 17.05.-18.05.2018.
- Balakrishnan, Malini; Batra, Rajat; Batra, Vidya S.; Chandramouli, G.; Choudhury, D.; Hälbig, T.; Ivashechkin, Pavel; Jain, J.; Mandava, K.; Mense, N.; Nehra, V.; Rögener, Frank; Sartor, Miriam; Singh, Vishavjeet; Srinivasan, M.R.; Tewari, Prahlad Kumar (2018): Demonstration of Acid and Water Recovery Systems : Applicability and Operational Challenges in Indian Metal Finishing SMEs. In: Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 217, S. 207 - 213.
- Demidova, Yuliya S.; Simakova, Irina; Schubert, Tim; Murzin, Dmitry (2017): The Synthesis of Ru/CNF Colloidal Catalysts : Comparison of Ex-situ and In-situ Methods. In: Materials Today, Materials today, Proceedings. Vol. 4, S. 11364 - 11370.
- Haßenberg, M.; Wittler, G.; Briese, H.; Schubert, Tim; Henrichfreise, Hermann (2017): Systematische modellbasierte Schwingungsanalyse einer geregelten elektrischen Servolenkung. Autoreg 2017 VDI-Berichte 2292. Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag, S. 45 - 56.
- Kruse, Nicolas; Braun, Gerhard (2016): Investigating the Mass Transport of Gas Mixtures through Carbon Membranes at High Pressure. Proceedings of the 2015 STEPs Conference., S. 20 - 24.
- Kruse, Nicolas; Schießer, Yuliya; Kämnitz, Susanne; Richter, Hannes; Voigt, Ingolf; Braun, Gerhard; Repke, Jens Uwe. (2016): Carbon Membrane Gas Separation of Binary CO2 Mixtures at High Pressure. In: Separation and Purification Technology. Vol. 164, S. 132 - 137.
- Kleffner, Christine; Kruse, Nicolas; Braun, Gerhard (2016): Energetic Consideration of a Membrane based Hybrid Desalination Process for High Recovery in Zero Liquid Discharge Applications. Proceedings of the 2015 STEPs Conference., S. 14 - 19.
- Steinle, Paul; Sturm, Oliver; Braun, Gerhard (2016): Application and Investigation of a Submerged Spiral Wound Module Containing a Novel Feed Spacer for the Filtration of Suspensions and Activated Sludge. Proceedings of the 2015 STEPs Conference., S. 6 - 13.
- Rieckmann, Thomas (2015): Cost Estimate Classes for the German Process Industry : Required Documents and Expected Accuracy. In: Cost Engineering Event; Zwijndrecht, Niederlande; 06.05.2015.
- Rögener, Frank; Sartor, Miriam; Reichardt, Tilo; Bergsjö, Petter (2015): Resistance of Plastics in Plants of Surface Technology : Beständigkeit von Kunststoffen in Anlagen der Oberflächentechnik. In: Galvanotechnik : das Innovationsmagazin. Vol. 106, S. 1370 - 1377.
- Sartor, Miriam; Ivashechkin, Pavel; Rögener, Frank; Balakrishnan, Malini; Rapp, Hans-Jürgen; Schneiker, Torsten; Enders, Marc (2015): Small Scale Plants for Resource Efficiency Training in the Indian Metal Industry. In: GWF : Wasser + Abwasser : Die technisch-wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Wassergewinnung und Wasserversorgung, Gewässerschutz, Wasserreinigung und Abwassertechnik. Vol. 156, S. 28 - 33.
- Rögener, Frank; Sartor, Miriam; Reichardt, Tilo; Bergsjö, Petter; Römhild, Stefanie (2013): Polymer Corrosion in Steel Pickling Lines - Reasons and Approaches : Kunststoffkorrosion in Beizlinien der stahlindustrie - Ursachen und Lösungsansätze. In: Stahl und Eisen : Magazin für die Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Eisen + Stahl. Vol. 133, S. 65 - 70.
- Rögener, Frank; Sartor, Miriam; Reichardt, Tilo; Bergsjö, P. (2013): Beständigkeit von Kunststoffen in Anlagen der Oberflächentechnik. In: Suchentrunk, Richard (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik 2013 : Band 69. Bad Saulgau: Eugen G. Leuze Verlag, S. 30 - 37.
- Rögener, Frank; Sartor, Miriam; Bán, Andreas; Buchloh, Dirk; Reichardt, Tilo (2012): Metal Recovery from Spent Stainless Steel Pickling Solutions. In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 60, S. 72 - 77.
- Sartor, Miriam; Buchloh, Dirk; Rögener, Frank; Reichardt, Tilo Dirk (2010): Analytical Systems for Stainless Steel Pickling Solutions Based on Mixed Acids. In: Stahl und Eisen : Magazin für die Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Eisen + Stahl. Vol. 130, S. P70 - SP74.
- Rögener, Frank; Buchloh, Dirk; Reichardt, Tilo; Schmidt, Joachim; Knaup, Frank (2009): Total Regeneration of Mixed Pickling Acids from Stainless Steel Processing. In: Stahl und Eisen : Magazin für die Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Eisen + Stahl. Vol. 129, S. 69 - 73.
- Sartor, Miriam; Buchloh, Dirk; Rögener, Frank; Reichardt, Tilo (2009): Removal of Iron Fluorides from Spent Mixed Acid Pickling Solutions by Cooling Precipitation at Extreme Temperatures. In: Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 153, S. 50 - 55.
- Bán, Andreas; Sartor, Miriam; Rögener, Frank; Reichardt, Tilo; Lacher, Claudia; Köhler, Matthias (2009): Ein Praxisnetzwerk für innovative Galvano- und Oberflächenverfahrenstechnik. In: Suchentrunk, Richard (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik 2009 : Band 65. Eugen Leuze Verlag, S. 354 - 363.
- Rögener, Frank; Buchloh, Dirk; Schmidt, Burkhard (2007): Long-Term Process Operation in Pickling of Stainless Steels, Nachhaltige Prozessführung beim Beizen von Nichtrostenden Stählen. In: Galvanotechnik : das Innovationsmagazin. Vol. 98, S. 2921 - 2928.
- Rögener, Frank; Mavrov, Valko D.; Chmiel, Horst (2002): Aufarbeitung des Nachspülwassers von Flaschenwaschmaschinen mittels Membranfiltration mit dem Ziel der Wiederverwendung. In: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik : Verfahrenstechnik, technische Chemie, Apparatewesen, Biotechnologie. Vol. 74, S. 517 - 524.
- Rögener, Frank; Willems, Marco; Mavrov, Valko D.; Chmiel, Horst (2002): The Influence of Cleaning Additives on Rejection and Permeability in Nanofiltration and Ultrafiltration of Bottle Washing Solutions. In: Separation and Purification Technology. Vol. 28, S. 207 - 217.
- Rögener, Frank; Mavrov, Valko D.; Chmiel, Horst (2002): Modeling of Impurity Concentrations in the Cleaning Zones of Bottle Washing Machines in the Treatment of Alkaline Cleaning Solutions and Rinsing Water. In: Chemical Engineering & Technology : Industrial Chemistry, Plant Equipment, Process Engineering, Biotechnology. Vol. 25, S. 41 - 47.
- Rögener, Frank; Chimel, Horst; Mavrov, Valko D. (1999): Membrane for Bottle Washing Machines. In: Proceedings of the 1998 Membrane Technology/Separations Planning Conference : Leading Edges, Major Developments, and New Applications in Membrane/ Separations Technology. 1998 Membrane Technology/Separations Planning Conference; Newton, Massachusetts; 07.12.-09.12.1998., S. 369 - 378.
- D., Valko; Chmiel, Horst; Heitele, Bernhard; Rögener, Frank (1999): Desalination of Surface Water to Industrial Water with Lower Impact on the Environment Part 3 : Water Desalination Under Alkaline Conditions. In: Desalination : The International Journal on the Science and Technology of Desalting. Vol. 123, S. 33 - 43.
- D., Valko; Chmiel, Horst; Heitele, Bernhard; Rögener, Frank (1999): Desalination of Surface Water to Industrial Water with Lower Impact on the Environment Part 4 : Treatment of Effluents from Water Desalination Stages for Reuse and Balance of the New Technological Concept for Qater Desalination. In: Desalination : The International Journal on the Science and Technology of Desalting. Vol. 124, S. 205 - 216.
- Mavrov, Valko D.; Chmiel, Horst; Heitele, Bernhard; Rögener, Frank (1997): Desalination of Surface Water to Industrial Water with Lower Impact on the Environment Part 2 : Improved Feed Water Pretreatment. In: Desalination : The International Journal on the Science and Technology of Desalting. Vol. 110, S. 65 - 73.
- Mavrov, Valko D.; Chmiel, Horst; Heitele, Bernhard; Rögener, Frank (1997): Desalination of Surface Water to Industrial Water with Lower Impact on the Environment. Part 1 : New Technological Concept. In: Desalination : The International Journal on the Science and Technology of Desalting. Vol. 108, S. 159 - 166.
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